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ONE little WORD

I don't really do resolutions...
I always seem to fail at them and then I get all upset and
then I have to eat something and follow it with a coke
and then wait 11 1/2 months to set it as my resolution again

so I don't do them...

I do however do
for a few years I have followed
stalked and stalked some more
Stephanie over at Homegrown Hospitality
she introduced me to this whole OLW thing

it is simple really
for the new year
in the past (for 2 years...yes you can keep it for more than one year)
my word was gratitude
I would look backwards at what could have been
not what it is
I couldn't enjoy
because I was too worried about
I saw a quote on pinterest
and it had an unknown author so I am thinking I am safe
by making it into a
Farley poster
but it summed up why I chose gratitude
it said

when I picked the word gratitude I was aware of this shortfall
(me with a shortfall... I know I know *wink*)
I kept this word close to my heart
I would repeat it
I would doodle it
I would think it
when something didn't quite go right I would try really hard to find gratitude
it really helped me become a better person
I kept this word for 2 years because it felt right
and now I am retiring gratitude... I have that now... I OWN it
it sits nicely on my shelf of life
like a big trophy
(glitter trophy... everything is better with glitter)
(OK maybe not grits or oatmeal but you understand)
and now I am moving on to my new OLW

as in make shine

this word is very fitting for me...
I love it actually
I didn't go searching for this word
it just came to me
I have used it a lot this year actually
the word not the meaning...
my co-workers KNOW that I use the phrase...

we need more polishing and less tarnishing

a lot this year...
well I am going to stand by my word
and make a real effort to try to polish
my focus is
work - home - self

having one little word is so easy
I hope you join me in this
and I am giving you a heads up so you can think of your ONE LITTLE WORD
if you want to go ahead and tell me in the comments
I would love to see what everyone else picks
BUT I am also going to have a section on the CURRENTLY for January where you can tell me your
you have a few days to think about it!!!

I hope you will join me...
no pressure
and if you want to see
more info about this
OLW thing here are some links
both of these places are WAY stalking worthy!!!

Homegrown Hospitality  this is Stephanie's blog... she has the most amazing talent and I gave myself a gift and bought her doodling one course... LOVE IT!!!

Ali Edwards is the brains behind this OLW and she explains it WAY better so please go check her out too
and I LOVE her WORD but I am still keeping mine :)