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CuRrEnTLy, PLUG another, & creations

Can you believe it is AUGUST...
where did it all go?
some of you are already back in school
(((moment of quiet for them)))
I still have a week before I go back...
and what does the start of AUGUST bring us...

 OK B2S must haves (back to school must haves)...
pick up to 3 things that you have to have to go back to school...

a personal laminator...
OMGEE where have you been all my life...
I just ordered one this summer and I am in PUFFY HEART LOVE...
this thing is ah-mazing
here is the one I ordered!!!

I am telling you this thing is AWESOME...
I even named it... NATE...
NATE and I have a great relationship..
he puts on a thick lamination and I smile

if you read my blog... you KNOW I love me some Jeff Anderson...
I get to see him AGAIN... giddy with glee FO SHO

anywho... his newest book is my book of the summer and it is a great resource 
if you want  a great resource for mentor texts and easy to implement ideas... this is the book for you... it is a SUPER easy read and full of life changing ideas... seriously I have said this before and I will say it again... his books have changed my life as a teacher... teaching writing is such a joy now!!!

I LOVE mustaches... duh
and I want everything mustache...
here is your oppurtunity to promote ALL of your mustache stuff!!!
link it up on the mustache linky (yes i am having 2 linkies in this post... it's my bloggy and and I can have 2 linkies if I want to... LOL)...
BUT really...
you would be amazed how many people contact me about doing a mustache theme in their room... like me... LOVE IT

I had to add this because I have had several people link their Currently up here and I got all excited about all the mustache stuff and then there was no mustache stuff... whaaaa
so here is the MUSTACHE LINKY PARTY...
please link directly to your item in your store... link as many times as you need (no duplicates please)

please add your mustache madness... I can't wait to see what you have :)

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OK now back to currently...
here is your template...

1. RULE OF 3... if you link up I ask that you go and look at the 2 in front of your link and the one after you AND comment... this SPREADS the LOVE for sure!!! and it was a HUGE success last time :)

2. on the B2S must haves... I am completely OK with you promoting one of your store items HERE... BUT if you promote one of yours I am asking that you also promote someone else too... so if you think you have an item that someone JUST has to have for B2S go ahead and PLUG IT but please PLUG from another store too...

3.  there are several people that have fab tutorials on how to create a Currently and link it back...
Jen is one of them... if you are not sure how to do this ... please PLEASE head on over to
 OK 3 rules... that is it.. and they are pretty easy...
and now bring on the linky...

can you believe it is AUGUST... go ahead and link up

 343. Miss P @ Diary of a Fifth Grade Teacher 

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OH my gosh ... I have one more thing... I need to post the winner for my ETA give away... HOLLA
so and the WINNER IS.....

a Rafflecopter giveaway
that about wraps this up... hope you made it to the end... 
if you did i wanted to direct you to the TOP of my page..... 
where it says... CREATIONS... well on that page you will find some of my freebies... I am in the process of adding more so keep checking back
and THANKS so much for showing me so much LOVE...
last Currently there were OVER 300 links... WOZERS.. 
 LOVE YOU ALL and hope you have a FANTABURIFIC weekend...
OH I almost forgot to show you my new phone case...
I am slightly obsessed with the Olympics and so this just fuels my obsession... 
hey I needed a new cover and this one was just there and it looked at me and said
and I said
YES I DO ... get in my basket...
plus I am mending my broken heart because that Mango Tango Jeep SOLD
the day before we were going to go GET IT!!! 
double *tear* *tear*
pretty sure HUBS appreciates that a phone case is helping my heart mend... that and watching the 
men swim... I mean COME on...  I got to do what I got to do and those boys are CAAAAA UTE!!!