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FIVE, Rocked the House, and toots

 so excited to be back in this party...

so I am not so sure about you
BUT today was my last day
and well I am excited
this week has been cray cray on crack

was the Senior Elephant Walk
the graduating seniors from the high school come back to their elementary 
and walk through the halls to see their former teachers 
and to encourage the little kids to stay in school
this group of kiddos was one of my faves!!!
 with some of my girls.... I had these beauties in 3rd grade...
I feel old
aren't they BEEUTEEFULL???

as they walked by the first time 
I handed all of my kiddos these little treats...
they were suppose to look like little popsicles but what ev...
I felt sorry for the kiddos that didn't get one but hey...
they didn't have me so no treat for you :)
plus I would have had to buy like 40 of these...
ahhhh I am a teacher not a NBA player

This was a bitter sweet day....
one of our co-workers was diagnosed with breast cancer
 and we had surprise PINK day at our school
for her
after school we had a team photo and a prayer circle
(she was having a mastectomy the next day)

we had a peti mani end of the year party...
my hall mates andI had pinterest pics to help us get the perfect pedis...
it was fun...

LOTS of schtuff for Thursday...

we finished our art project...
sorry I didn't take progressive pics... 
just final product pics...
basically we got 8X10 canvases
painted them in their fave color....
collaged (kinda)
and then layered a personal transparency pic on top...
these pics don't do it justice...
these turned out pretty cute
not as cute as last years 
SHINE project but still nice *wink*

we also ROCKED the HOUSE (cafeteria) at the last awards ceremony
because we took
FIRST PLACE in the city's Water Poster contest...
third, second, first, and GRAND CHAMPION in the animal shelter poster contest...
this teacher was
and no I am not competitive at all
said Farley NEVER

my across the hall 3rd grade bestie
who needs to start a blog 
said Farley
did this in her room

these were super cool
and they laid them out in the hall to dry and the 4thies
were way jelly
and so was I
they really were awesome!!!

I handed out my good bye gifts...

the kids got one of these...
they are mini-recorders
but all year I have been calling them tooty toots...
the kids think that is funny....

in 4th grade our music teacher
teaches the kiddos to play the recorder...
they love it.... sooooo
I thought they would love these...

and then I couldn't forget my friends....
hubs helped me with the saying...
I passed these out without the kids around...
the saying is a little on the naughty side BUT I got good laughs 
and that is what counts....

i added a little
sumthin sumthin on the back of the bubbles...

well that is it...
I am tired
that was FIVE days of cray cray on crack!!!
and I didn't even include....
retirement party for 3 of our teachers
decoration crew for retirement party (sorry no pics)
interview committee all day with 8 interviews
talent show (not me the kids)
end of year after party
sealing my schtuff off from summer school teacher...
and I think that is it...
I am too tired to think anymore
must sleep now
nap or sleep nap or ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

and YES Tara... I will hook this up to Monday Made It on Monday...
I love you my sweet friend... she checked on me with the sweetest email...
love ya!!!
toodles again