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July Currently

July's Currently Sponsor is....

Lucky to Be in First

SOOOOOO where do I start....
my summer has been crazy!!!
I am going to try to sum it up for you....

got a cortisone shot in my knee... IN MY KNEE... ouch... OUCH OUCH
on 3 weeks of resting... HAHA... keep reading

found out I have pink eye after I got all dolled up the night before for a PARTAY...
got PINK EYE equals... trash all make-up... super sad face

toilet flooded....and also flooded...
Bub's room
guest bedroom
my bedroom
laundry room
main hallway
living room
and half the kitchen
ummmm pretty much my whole house... oh yeah and my garage...

now have no base boards and carpet in all mentioned rooms...
thank goodness some rooms have tile :)
furniture in all rooms and I mean ALL rooms (even the dry rooms)
are scattered, stacked, and disheveled all over the house along with knick knacks and other decor

called a water clean-up crew.... they removed all the carpet and base boards and placed.... 28 fans and 2 HUGE dehumidifiers blowing nonstop for 3 days straight...
3 DAYS STRAIGHT!!! sounded like a jet engine in my house...

slept at moms every night... 
except hubs stayed at the house with pups and for safety reasons
(lots of strangers were in my house cleaning up the water and I am a worry wart)

and then... then... then 
my air conditioner went out... 
the dehumidifiers were blowing out over 100 degree air... HOT HOT HOT....
my poor air conditioner was working overtime
that about sums up my few weeks off from school....

There is a silver lining...
yep you have to look at the good...
because you are the only one in charge of your JOY... 
so instead of sinking into a deep darkness of WTH ....
I am choosing to focus on the good...
I am choosing JOY

so here are some silver linings....
I am now forced to go through and organize and purge... 
we didn't lose anything meaningful or valuable (except if you count the carpet and baseboards... valuable not meaningful)
my air conditioner is serviced and ready for the summer
the blowers and dehumidifiers are gone 
contractors have been out and are working on estimates
my mom was a huge help... 
spending the night at my parents with Bub was fun
I have (with help from mom) the living room and kitchen back to normal and will work on Bub's room tonight
and I am predicting a HUGE garage sale in my near future...
so even though I did shed a tear or two... what good is that gonna do???
we are in full get'er done mode and well i am tired!!!

so please forgive me for using last year's July Currently Design!!! I don't have internet at my house yet... I am using my mom's while I wait for Bub to finish eating...  and well basically I am pooped... I had a PD today and one tomorrow!!! and my other spare moments are putting my house back together... so I hope you understand why I am being lay to the ZEE about designing a new template *WINK*
alright here it is...
and here is your template....

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I have several links and sources for your learning how to CURRENTLY enjoyment!!!