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Currently January 20015

It is almost 2015…
ok we still have a few hours… like 12 BUT
it is the last day of 2014…
let's celebrate…
and because tomorrow I will not be around my computer
because  we always have a traditional family gathering at my grandparents'
to eat black eyed peas and corn bread… YUMMY!!!
I am posting the CURRENTLY today!!!

January's Currently is brought to you by…

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Alright here we go...

* I might be addicted to watching the TODAY SHOW… and to tell you the truth
I don't even watch some of it… it is just background noise.
I record it during the week and watch all 3 of the episodes… yep ALL 3 when I get home!!

*my new insurance starts tomorrow… thank goodness!!! This year has been torture with my medical bills… long story short… I went with the cheap insurance and then did a secondary thingy
all of this was suggested and recommended by the rep that helped us sign up….as the way to go because our insurance at work went up so much again… so I did it…
GONG!!!! WRONG!!!!
I had knee problems and my stupid ovaries are at their old tricks again… so needless to say BILLS BILLS BILLS… WHY DO I EVEN HAVE INSURANCE IF MY BILLS ARE THIS MUCH?!?!
and what the heck does the secondary thingy cover…
OH MY WORD!!! so when it was time to sign up again… I said SEE YA!!!
and I am now on HUBS' and we are saving hundreds… hundreds a month… HUNDREDS…
that is crazy…
when I first started teaching I was paid a little extra to go with the insurance plan I picked…
yep like $80
and now for JUST ME it would cost almost $500 a month… and that is just me!!!
Hubs and Bubs have always been on Hubs' plan and now I am too!!! YAY!!!
I am dumb for not switching over sooner.

* we packed up most of the Christmas stuff… we just need to take down the trees… ornaments are put away… it is JUST THE TREES!!! and I always go through our closets and get rid of all kinds of schtuff during break!!!

* I always want Hubs to get off early when I am home and he is not.  Even if he gets off early… he works so far away it takes him another 45 minutes to an hour to get home.  Plus he can take down the trees while I tackle the closets.

* I feel like the couch has become an appendage.
I have slept on the couch more nights than I would like to admit
At first it was because I was sick and didn't want to get Hubs sick… BUT now I really don't have an excuse…. I need to get busy busy busy!!!

* YES- I am going to get back on my plan and lose more weight.  I was on a good roll a few months back and I need to get back on it!!!

MAYBE - I am in a serious comfort zone at the school I am at… I have had other opportunities pop up and I am always too scared to go for it… 2015 might be my year to GO FOR IT!!!

I WISH- I have been thinking about having my own store for a little while now… I would love to have a very quirky antique store… with candles and jewelry and  up cycled things and antiques… kinda like Antiques Roadshow and Salvage Dawgs and Flea Market Flip and Junk Gypsy all swirled into one… I would love for there to be other quirky vendors who rent space in my store… like local artists!!! THIS IS MY DREAM!!! I have really been thinking about this!!! A LOT!!! A LOT A LOT!!!

ok and now it is your turn...

OK let's link up
on the last one…
YES- is what you will do in 2015
MAYBE- is what you hope or would like to do but you are not going to beat yourself up over it
I WISH - something you would DREAM of doing BUT probably won't BUT if you do AWESOME!!!