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No FOOL'n I forgot today was the first…
for realz y'all…
I even did an epic April Fools' Day prank on my kiddos
and HELLO you would think I would remember 
today IS the FIRST!!!
well I did NOT…
must be because of all the awesomeness that was going on
in my classroom

This month's sponsor is a fellow Texan 

*** NOTE***
be on the look out for the 
to open back up 
next month

 in honor of April Fools' Day…
I had to play a prank on my kiddos
I told them the principal was not happy with their math scores
and was going to make them come to school on Saturday or Sunday.
I suggested they write her a letter explaining why it was not a good idea…
here is one of my faves…

ha ha ha… very passionate about it

When my kids were not writing their letters,
they were creating awesomeness…
I showed them the video about 20 things kids should say
by Kid President
and then I read the first chapter from his new book…
and well the wheels started spinning… and here we go...

 how cute is that corn dog and Kid President…
Oh my gosh…
and they created their own "Notes of Awesome"
please forgive them and their font choices…
we have the boring fonts at school
their goal is to have it ready by Monday…
their idea is to give each kiddo in our school an AWESOME SLIP
and the kids will fill out the slips…
about another student, teacher, or staff member...
we will collect the slips and display them on
we will have a master list of students, staff, and teachers
and will cross them off as they get slips posted about them…
their goal is to have everybody in the entire school get on the wall…
they can do it!!!

I will keep you updated through IG
and will blog about it when it is complete
can't wait to share it with you

alrighty… here is yours…
for the last question…
if your blog name is NO SECRET…
maybe you could do your name…
a nickname you have or someone calls you…

 ummm kinda loving my Farley Melonheadz…
I AM OBSESSED with Tiny Farley!!!
so cool!!!