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can you believe it is AUGUST…
I know some of you guys are back at school already…
so sorry…
you are probably hating the rest of us right now…
but when the summer comes and you are out way before us…
well you will see!!!

first things first… have you entered my OH BOY O-VENTURE Giveaway???
seriously you need to enter… its super easy to enter…
click on this pic to check it out…

SERIOUSLY you need to enter…

and now back to our regularly scheduled post…
and our FAB sponsor for this month's CURRENTLY… is

Fearless in Fifth
thanks Sandy… luv u
and now for the August CURRENTLY

what's up with the boat???
if you didn't catch my Vegas 2015 Recap  HERE
then the boat theme might be like WHA???
I really have grasped on to the theme of

and that you are the captain of your own boat…
whatever your adventure

with my school year fast approaching
this metaphor… which I was solely using as a teacher blogger/tpter metaphor
also applies to SCHOOL too
whether your school, or district, or community rises to support its teachers
sadly is not something we can normally control…
but we can still control our boat…
you might need to adjust accordingly
depending on how high or low your tide is…
but you
and only YOU are in charge of your voyage
if your tide is really low… you might have to get out of your boat and trudge through a lot of mud
and work extra hard to get to your destination
and if your tide is high (count your blessings) you are still in charge of setting a course for success

my point is… it is your boat… you are the captain…
keep your eyes set on YOUR course for success
steer a clear course…
stay clear of negative weather and watch out for harpoons trying to bring you down

sure you can gather ideas from other boaters
but don't get tidal waved by all the ideas…
pick and choose what you can do
not every boat is going to be a PIN perfect vessel
and remember...
just because a boat is beautifully decorated or sparkly and clean
does not mean the captain is a master captain…
maybe a good decorator…
and maybe they are both… lucky them
but don't take on more than you can handle because you will sink…

you need to also...
dock every once in a while to evaluate, collaborate, and recuperate
learn from master captains, spread your knowledge of success and your best laid routes, but also remember to rest
and and AND
please don't get caught up in the idea whirlpool of the perfect classroom and teacher
that can run your ship aground and be devastating
you are you…
you do YOU best
be the BEST YOU
YOU are the captain of your ship

and don't forget you have passengers…
precious passengers that trust your CAPTAIN skills
those littles are along for the ride too
and they learn from your lessons and your attitude and all of YOU
so be the BEST YOU

which leads me to…
back to school RAK
our tides might not be high
but we can can cause a little increase in volume by doing B2S RAK
I am planning on putting little trinkets of happiness in random teachers'  mailboxes throughout our first week back
some might be planned but most will be random…
I am not sure exactly what I am going to put into the mailboxes yet…
BUT I am thinking gift cards, B2S supplies (the fun ones teachers love), chocolate, home made cookies
nothing too expensive BUT everything thoughtful
who knows what it will be… I am still thinking… but even though these are little trinkets…
I am reminded...
even a tiny stone makes ripples

ok thanks for reading through all of that…
I hope you got something out of it…
and now
here is what you're looking for...
here are the rules…
super simple…

and just to throw in a plug …
if you didn't know I have this in my store…
it is perfect to get it now…
for Back to School

okie dokie…
time to link up…
thanks so much for joining this party and for always 
being so supportive