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Currently November 2015

Say it ain't so…
is it seriously NOVEMBER already???
I am always glad to see October LEAVE…
but this year I am slamming the door on its way out!!! 
come on… don't you agree???
we had

Red Ribbon Week… 

in which our kids find every excuse possible to be out of dress code 
and walk a fine line between … UMMM is that ok to wear to school? 
to … UMMM HECK NO go call your mamma to bring you a change of clothes
and then we had


see the above… same guidelines… and when we say no scary masks…
YES your mask with blood pumping through it is scary… so call your Mamma or hand it over...

a full moon

say what you will but this does have an effect on the little ones
only educators know this to be true
they may not grow extra hair and howl 
but they might as well right… because it can cause some serious pains 
and add to that we had 2 yes that is TWO fronts move through… FUN FUN FUN (sarcasm)
and then we had

an Air Show

my little school is just a
        and a jump
away from the  AIR FORCE BASE
and when there is an AIR SHOW scheduled for the weekend they practice ALL WEEK
ALL WEEK… and when you have cold fronts come through 
they can't practice on those days 
SOOOO guess what they do 
EXTRA LONG practices on the good days to make up for it…that would be FRIDAY
YAY… (sarcasm)
well if you are a really good friend of mine you might know I HATE
H*A*T*E things flying over my head…especially large fast flying… LOUD jets
and when do they practice…
at recess and at dismissal…
where I can see them ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM right over my head… and if the kids start waving and getting crazy… guess what… they well flip upside down and WAVE at the kids…
and our kids were NUTS…
the government had made budget cuts and slashed the air shows for a few years…
i was OK with that…
and now they are back!!!
so YES the kids were NUTs… can you blame them… they were on sugar highs and were out of dress code legally… why not jump up and down and wave uncontrollably at the large jet clipping our trees and NOT pay attention to your mamma waiting for your tiny hiney to get into the car so she can go home… 
dismissal took twice as long and I am pretty sure I had a heart attack…
I mean who thinks it is safe for 5 jets to fly over an elementary school at a million miles per hour while inches away from one another… 
that's safe right…
so while I was planning a mass casualty drill in my head… the kids were having the time of their lives!!!

and so my friends…
and thanks to the NOVEMBER sponsor

and here is mine...
DID YOU REMEMBER it is a clock changing day???
YEAH I didn't either…
and nobody gave the memo to my dog…
we did buy a new house… more info on that later…
it is like 4 blocks away form my old house… and 4 houses down from my parents…
ha ha ha…
and yes we are still living with my parents… until after Thanksgiving
tile and paint first
then we can move in!!!

for YUMMY I just decided to write down my favorite Thanksgiving food…
I will post the recipe on my INSTAGRAM account later…
later like when my Mamma gets the recipe card out and I can take a pic of it…
ha ha ha
follow me at farleyfarleyfarley

 and now it is your turn…

so let's link up!!!