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CURRENTLY January 2016

Happy New Year…

thanks to this month's sponsor…

Learning to be awesome

I don't want my CURRENTLY to be a Debbie Downer…
but friends… I have been sick for a few months now…
at first I had a stubborn ovarian cyst and then it ruptured and I had to have surgery…
that was November… 
after surgery I still felt yucky!!!
YUCKY I tell ya…
and then after tons of TESTS… TONS…. they decided it wasn't my kidneys, or appendix, or gall bladder….or anything else in my abdomen…  and so they decided I probably had scar tissue which doesn't show up on imagining….
so this past Monday I had surgery again…
and yep lots of scar tissue…
it had wrapped around my intestines… stretched my ovary towards my abdomen wall and was stuck to lots of other things… just crazy
recovery has not been fun… I have been struggling with the AIR BUBBLES you get after surgery 
they are painful 
and and and a HORRIBLE headache… if it is not better by today … I get to go back to the DR…
so that little TMI should give you an idea of why I need more break, more relaxation, and more days!!!

my one little word is JOY…
because I am needing to find the Joy in things…
being sick for over 2 months can really get to you… and I need to focus on the happy 
find my JOY!!!

and now it is your turn….