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CURRENTLY February 2016

What WHAT???
no worries you are in the right place!!!
so what do you think of my new design???
my new name??? 
is it not PERFECTION!!!
I mean come on… I have a BUCK cartoon clipart!!!
HE is super cute!!!!

and now on to the reason you are here…
this month is sponsored by...

 some things to ponder…
my old house has NOT sold yet…
we dug a hole and even planted a saint and everything…
and nothing… I know the market is super slow over in my hood
so I am just hoping it will speed up soon …
because paying for 2 houses stinks
it seriously is cutting into my fun money!!!
and that is no fun!!!

that's easy… my new blog design…
I know you all want to know who designed my blog…
well no other than Alexis at…

I cannot begin to tell you how awesome she was to work with…
she was always available to discuss ideas
and always more than happy to answer my silly questions
she made my vision come to life… I am absolutely in LOVE with my new design
and HIGHLY recommend if you are in the market to give Alexis a holla!!!

OK now your turn
oh and the last question...
SWOONING… something you just can't get enough of… or…. are dreaming of getting
something that makes you swoon… like I could have put Harry Connick Jr…
 oh my lordy lord…
that man makes me swoon…
but CURRENTLY I am swooning over my blog design… ha ha ah